Heroku is a cloud Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) we use at Pontoon for over a year and a half now. Despite some specifics that are not particularly suitable for our use case, it has proved to be a very reliable and easy to use deployment model.

Thanks to the amazing Jarek, you can now freely deploy your own Pontoon instance in just a few simple steps, without leaving the web browser and with very little configuration.

To start the setup, click a Deploy to Heroku button in your fork, upstream repository or this blog post. You will need to log in to Heroku or create an account first.

Deploy to Heroku

Next, you’ll be presented with the configuration page. All settings are optional, so you can simply scroll to the botton of the page and click Deploy.

Still, I suggest you to set the App Name for an easy to remember URL and Admin email & password, which are required for logging in (instead of Firefox Accounts, custom Heroku deployment uses conventional log in form).

When setup completes, you’re ready to View your personal Pontoon instance in your browser or Manage App in the Heroku Dashboard.

This method is also pretty convenient to quickly test or demonstrate any Pontoon improvements you might want to provide – without setting the development environment locally. Simply click Deploy to Heroku from the README file in your fork after you have pushed the changes.

If you’re searching for inspiration on what to hack on, we have some ideas!